Registration for November 9 Weber State Tournament closes November 4

November 9


Date: November 9, 2024

Location: Weber State, 3848 Harrison Blvd, Ogden, UT 84403

Time: 8:30-5:00

Lunch:  On your own

Register By: November 4, 2024

Submit Legislation By: November 4, 2024

Utah Time (MST)

Check In - 8:30-9:00
Orientation - 9:00- 9:15
Round 1 - 9:15-10:45
Round 2 - 10:45- 12:15 ​
Lunch - 12:00-1:00
Round 3 - 1:00-2:30
Round 4 - 2:30-4:00
Awards - 4:30-5:00



Lincoln Douglas: Public health concerns justify compulsory immunization.


Presidential Debate:National Security


Extemp #1: U.S. Presidential Election

Extemp #2: Israeli-Hezbollah Conflict

Extemp #3: Cuban Energy Crisis


Student Congress: Federal


Online Events:  Impromptu & Lincoln Douglas


What You Need to Know About Tournaments



  1. Spar is a novice event. This means that students must be 14 years old or younger and must be in their first year of competition to compete in this event. Spar is a one on one debate in which competitors are given very little time to prepare their cases for the debate. In the debate round several debating pairs will gather in a room with a judge. Two debaters will present themselves to the judge at a time. The judge will randomly choose one debater to pick a debate topic (called a resolution) from among three options. After the topic has been chosen, the other debater will choose the affirmative case (attempting to prove the resolution), or the negative case (attempting to disprove the resolution). From this point the structure of the debate is thus:
  2. Preparation time for 1 minute
  3. Affirmative speaks for 2 minutes
  4. Negative speaks for 2 minutes
  5. Affirmative and Negative clash for 3 minutes
  6. Negative speaks for 1 minute
  7. Affirmative speaks for 1 minute
  8. The clash is a period in which both debaters are free to speak to each other. This time can be used for making arguments and asking questions. In the debate, debaters are allowed pen/pencil and blank paper. Because of the short preparation time, subjects for spar debate will be less in depth and serious i.e. Resolved: dogs are better than horses. In this debate, debaters will be judged by organization, strength of argument, delivery of argument, and courtesy to their opponent. Debaters should never personally attack their opponent. Also important to remember is that debaters should always look at the judge while speaking (even during the clash when debaters are speaking directly to each other). Competitors may ask the judge to give hand signals to indicate time left in speaking.


Student congress is a simulation of a session of a congress. Competitors in Federal Student Congress simulate participation in the national congress. Competitors in State Student Congress simulate participation in the legislature of the State of Utah. In preparation for competition students should do the following items-

1. Write a piece of legislation (bill, resolution, or resolution to amend the constitution) and submit it on the registration page for the tournament.
2. Write an authorship speech for their legislation. An authorship speech is a four minute speech which attempts to persuade the congress to vote for the legislation.
3. Read over the list of submitted legislation and research the legislation so as to be prepared to speak  on other competitor's legislation. Competitors are not allowed to view the docket of legislation until they have submitted legislation themselves.
4. Print enough copies of their legislation (not authorship speech) to distribute to each of the other competitors and the judge.

On the day of competition, students gather with the other competitors in their congress. Students make a nametag, and distribute legislation to each other. To begin the congress, students take the oath of office, roll is taken, students are given special instructions, and students elect the first chair. At this point the congress debates and votes on the legislation in the order specified by the agenda. On each piece of legislation an authorship speech is heard first, and then students are allowed to speak affirmative and negative on the legislation until previous question is moved and passed. Once previous question is moved and passed, the congress votes on the legislation and then moves to the next piece of legislation on the agenda. Periodically students elect a new chair to preside over the congress.


An oratory is a 7-10 minute persuasive speech written by the speaker. The speech should address a societal ill. This speech may be written at any time previous to the tournament. It must be the original work of the competitor, and no more than 15% of the speech may be direct quotes. The speech should be memorized. The speech should also not have been used for competition in any other school year. In each competitive round several speakers will be gather in a room with a judge.

Each speaker will be heard by the other speakers and the judge in turn. Speakers will be judged according to persuasiveness of arguments, organization, writing style, and delivery. Speeches should be memorized and within the time limits (not memorized and long or short speeches will be judged less favorably but not disqualified). Speeches should not contain any graphic descriptions or language.  Speakers may ask judges to give hand signals to alert the speaker of their time spoken.


Lincoln Douglas Debate is a one on one debate in which debaters attempt to prove or disprove the truth of a given resolution.

Previous to the tournament, a resolution is announced for the tournament. Every Lincoln Douglas debate at the tournament will be on that resolution. 

To prepare students study the resolution, conduct research, and prepare arguments for the debate. 

In each round students are assigned to debate either affirmative or negative for the resolution. Affirmative debaters attempt to prove that the resolution is true. Negative debaters attempt to prove that the resolution is false. Every competitor will debate both the affirmative and the negative on the resolution during each tournament.

Affirmative and negative debaters will take turns giving speeches and cross examining each other. Cross examination is a period in which one debater may ask questions (and only ask questions) of their opponent. The structure of the debate is thus-

Affirmative speaks for 6 minutes

Negative cross examines Affirmative for 3 minutes

Negative Speaks for 7 minutes

Affirmative cross examines Negative for 3 minutes

Affirmative Speaks for 4 minutes

Negative speaks and concludes for 6 minutes

Affirmative speaks and concludes for 3 minutes

Both speakers will have a total of 3 minutes preparation time for the entire debate which they can use at any point in between speeches or cross examinations. Debaters will be judged on strength of argument, organization, presentation, and courtesy. Debaters are allowed to bring notes and evidence, paper, and pencil/pen into the debate round, but not laptops or other electronic devices used for storing information. During all speaking times (including cross examination) debaters should look at their judge and not each other. Spewing (talking rapidly to the point of approaching incomprehensibility for the purpose of submitting a large volume of evidence) is not allowed.



Impromptu is a novice event. This means that students must be 14 years old or younger and must be in their first year of competition to compete in this event.  Impromptu speaking is speaking with very little preparation time. In this event, several speakers will gather in a room with a judge and will each in turn be given the opportunity to speak. At the beginning of each turn the judge will give the speaker a short list of possible topics. The speaker will then promptly choose a topic.
At this point the speaker will have seven minutes to create and deliver a speech. For example, a student may choose to prepare for 2 minutes and thus have 5 minutes left to speak. Speakers may request that the judge give them hand signals to signify time remaining. Speakers will be judged on organization, strength of argument, and delivery. Speakers may use notes to prepare and to speak if they wish, but speakers will not be allowed to use electronic devices or visual aids.


In Presidential Debate, students debate as though they are running as a candidate for President of the United States of America. Approximately a month previous to the tournament a general topic (such as taxes, foreign policy, the economy, or national security) is announced. All debates in the tournament will focus on that topic. Previous to the tournaments students research the issue and create a platform of their positions on the issue. At the tournament students compete in four rounds. Each round is observed by a judge and is directed by a moderator (who is a separate person from the judge) and includes six to eight competitors. The debate is broken into sections each headed by an initial question delivered by the moderator. The initial question for each section is delivered to a competitor (each competitor can expect to have the opportunity to receive one initial question), who then has ninety seconds to answer. After the initial answer all student will have seven minutes to respond in either a rebuttal or clash format. Finally, each section concludes with the student who offered the answer to the initial question giving a thirty second closing statement. 


The sections of the debate will alternate between rebuttals and clash with the first section being a rebuttal section. In rebuttal sections, after the initial question is answered, the moderator will ask for volunteers to offer a rebuttal after the initial statement and after each rebuttal. Each rebuttal is allotted sixty seconds. Rebuttals will proceed until the seven minutes for rebuttal are taken up. In clash sections, after the initial question is answered, all students will stand and engage in a clash style debate for seven minutes. During this time students may speak at will, but should obey the moderator who is tasked with keeping order. 


Once all students have had the opportunity to offer an answer to an initial question and give a closing statement, the debate will end.



In extemporaneous speaking students are given three general current events topics to study approximately one month before each tournament. To prepare for the tournament students study those topics so as to prepare themselves to speak on various facets of each topic. Students begin each round by receiving a choice of three specific topics to speak on in the form of questions about one or more of the general current events (such as “Should the United States buy a controlling stake in General Motors?”).

After choosing their topic, students will be given 30 minutes to write an up to 7 minute speech which convincingly answers the given question. Speeches which exceed the 7 minute limit will not be disqualified, but will be judged less favorably. Speeches should answer the given question thoroughly, but may also go beyond the scope of the question. Speakers will be given a quiet place to prepare and will be allowed to use paper and pen/pencil. No electronic devices will be allowed either for research or preparation. Students may bring hardcopies of any material which they think might aid them in their speech (such as a copy of the constitution, or compilations of information). During the speech students will not be allowed to refer to any notes.




1. Students shall not bring content that is graphic or patently offensive into debates. If a judge believes a student has brought forward questionable material, they will bring a complaint to the tab room for resolution.

2. All competitors are required to maintain courteous behavior at all times whether performing or observing. Discourtesy to other competitors is grounds for disqualification.


1. Impromptu is a novice event. Only students 14 and younger who are in their first year of competition may compete in impromptu. 

2. Speakers will be given a short list of possible topics of which they will speak on one.

3. After the speaker chooses a topic, they will have seven minutes to create and deliver a speech.

4. No electronic devices allowed while competing.

5. No visual aids are allowed while competing.

6. Use of electronic devices or visual aids while competing is grounds for disqualification.



1. Each round of Presidential Debate shall be divided into sections, each section consisting of:

2. An initial question delivered to a single candidate.

3. An answer given by the candidate: 90 seconds.

4. Either a clash or rebuttal section: 7 minutes.

5. If a rebuttal section, then rebuttals: 60 seconds.

6. A concluding statement by the same candidate who answered the initial question- 30 seconds.

7. Once the moderator has delivered a section to each of the candidates, the debate ends. 

8. The moderator may change times for clash and rebuttal in order to improve debate or to end a round on time. 

9. The moderator shall have power to silence an unruly candidate.

10. Candidates may use notes, however, no visual aids are allowed.

11. Use of electronic devices (not timers) shall be considered grounds for disqualification.


1. General topics for study are chosen from major current events occuring at the international, national, or local level. These topics are released approximately one month before the start of any tournament.

2. Competitors choose one from among three specific topics to begin each round. 

3. Competitors  have 30 minutes of preparation time.

4. Speeches shall be no longer than seven minutes. 

5. Electronic devices shall not be used during preparation time. 

6. Visual aids are not allowed while competing.

7. Use of electronic devices during preparation time or visual aids during presentation are grounds for disqualification.

8. Speeches shall be delivered without notes. Students who use notes will automatically be ranked last in any round.


In any given tournament, there will be Novice Events. These events are reserved for students in their first year of speech and debate. Only students who are in their first year of speech and debate will be allowed to register.

There may be a Novice Division and an Open Division for the same event at a tournament (for example, at any given tournament, there may be a Novice Oratory and an Open Oratory). In this case, first year students will be the only ones allowed to register for the Novice Division of the event.


1. Spar is a novice event. Only students 14 and younger who are in their first year of competition may compete in spar. 

2. To begin each debate the judge randomly chooses one competitor to choose the resolution and the other competitor to choose affirmative or negative.

3. First one competitor chooses the resolution to be debated from among three options presented. Then the second competitor chooses affirmative or negative.

4. Time Structure:

     1. Preparation: 1 Minute

     2. Affirmative: 2 Minutes

     3. Negative: 2 Minutes

     4. Clash: 3 Minutes

5. Negative: 1 Minute

6. Affirmative: 1 Minute

5. No electronic devices allowed while competing.

6. No visual aids are allowed while competing.

7. Use of electronic devices or visual aids while competing is grounds for disqualification.



1. Competitors may choose to compete in Federal or State Student Congress. The Federal Student Congress operates under the constitution of the United States of America. The State Student Congress operates under the constitution of the state of Utah and the Constitution of the United States of America. 

2. Students must submit legislation on time in order to participate in the congress 

3. Legislation will be reviewed for technical errors. Student rankings will be deducted for technical errors in legislation.

4. The agenda for each congress will be set by student vote. 

5. Orders of the day constitute specific rules for each congress. 

6. Election of Presiding Officer shall proceed as follows

7. Candidates must be nominated and seconded by other members of the congress.

8. Each member of congress shall have a single vote. Candidates may vote, and may vote for themselves. 

9. A Presiding Officer must be elected by a majority. 

10. If a majority is not achieved in any round of voting the candidate with the least votes is dropped off the ballot and a new round of voting begins. If the combined votes of any number of candidates are less than the total votes for the next highest receiver of votes, then that group of candidates may be dropped from the ballot. 

11. The only motions accepted in Congress are found on the "List of Frequently Used Parliamentary Motions". The only exceptions are "Point of Information" and "Motion to Close Nominations". 

12. Competitors are not allowed to formally censure of discipline other competitors. 

13. Legislation is considered in the order presented in the agenda. 

14. Authorship Speeches are the only speeches granted automatically. All other speeches will be granted according to precedence. 

15. No electronic devices are allowed while competing.

16. No visual aids are allowed while competing.

17. Use of electronic devices or visual aids while competing is grounds for disqualification.



1. Oratories must be 7-10 minutes in length. Oratories outside of time limits will be judged less favorably.

2. Oratories must be persuasive, and written on a societal ill.

3. Oratories must be the original work of the competitor. No more than 15% of a speech may consist of quoted material.

4. Oratories delivered with notes are automatically ranked last in any round. 

5. Visual aids are not allowed while competing.

6. Use of visual aids while competing is grounds for disqualification.

7. Speakers may not use visual aid or solicit audience responses during an oratory. 

8. Speakers may only compete with the same oratory twice in a competitive year. 

9. Speakers may not compete with any oratory used in any previous competitive year.


1. Competitors debate the same resolution for the entirety of any tournament.

2. Competitors will debate affirmative and negative sides in as equal a distribution as circumstances will allow. 

3. Time Structure:

4. 6 Minutes: Affirmative Constructive

5. 3 Minutes: Cross Examination

6. 7 Minutes: Negative Constructive

7. 3 Minutes: Cross Examination

8. 4 Minutes: First Affirmative Rebuttal

9. 6 Minutes: Negative Rebuttal

10. 3 Minutes: Second Affirmative Rebuttal

11. The affirmative has the burden to prove the resolution generally true. The negative has the burden to prove the resolution generally false. 

12. No new lines of argument may be introduced on the affirmative brief after the negative constructive. No new lines of argument may be introduced on the negative brief after the first affirmative rebuttal.

13. Competitors may time themselves, but judges should also keep time on each competitor.

14. Use of electronic devices during competition is not allowed.

15. Use of visual aids during competition is not allowed. 

16. Use of electronic devices or visual aids during competition is grounds for disqualification.